This weekend I traveled to Moab, Utah for a friend’s big birthday bash.
Actually, it was just me, my friend (Bryan (the birthday boy)), his wife (Auste), and their 15-month-old baby girl (Hazel) who went to Moab in order to celebrate Bryan’s birthday. I was invited on the trip, I think, so Auste could stay in the townhouse we rented and watch the baby, while Bryan would have a friend with him to explore the city and its nearby trails via mountain bike.
After the long drive to Moab, we checked into a really nice townhouse on the city’s south side. Winter is the slow reason in Moab, so lodging rates are low and few tourists are in the city – The best time to visit!
We spent three nights in Moab and did a whole host of activities while we were there: We went out to eat at several local restaurants, explored many of Moab’s small parks and shops (including the Moab Rock Shop), played multiple games of Carcassonne, ate ice cream and pumpkin cookies, played with the baby (and tried to keep her feedings and naps on schedule each day), explored Arches National Park, plus a whole lot more!
The highlight of the trip, however, was when Bryan and I spent a few hours biking the world-famous Slickrock mountain bike trail on the outskirts of downtown Moab.
This unique mountain bike ride takes place on 95% rock, with the remaining 5% crossing through sand and shallow washes. The views were super nice in some sections, and I enjoyed the technical aspects of this iconic ride.
There were few smooth sections to the trail, however, and I think that if I had been tasked with designing this trail, I could have possibly picked a better route on my own. But overall, I enjoyed the trail for what it is – a 10+ mile mountain bike ride over rock, stone and sand. Not the best mountain bike ride I’ve ever done in my life, but certainly one that I’ll remember!

I didn’t include any photos of Auste or the baby, because I know they would rather I not publish such photos online. So, here instead, are a few other photos from my weekend in Moab, Utah.