This is super silly, but one of my recently-completed projects is this spice drawer in my home. Doesn’t it look good!?!
When I was growing up, my parents kept their spices in a small cabinet located above the oven, but every time you wanted a particular spice, you had to remove practically every single container in the cabinet in order to find the spice you wanted. And for a while, I lived with a messy and disorganized spice cabinet like that in my own home – because that’s the only way I knew to keep the spices stored in my kitchen.
But now that I have my own home, I decided to finally do something to organize the spices in my kitchen and improve the experience of cooking for myself.
I used this “Spice Jars & Labels Kits” from Amazon to make this project happen. Simply pour your existing spices, one-by-one, into the provided glass jars and then use the kit’s included labels to identify each of the spices in your possession.